Fauci to testify before Congress for the first time since stepping down

April 24, 2024

Anthony Fauci, former chief medical adviser to President Biden, will testify before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic on June 3, making it the first time he will appear before a congressional panel since leaving government work at the end of 2022.

Subcommittee Chair Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio) announced the hearing Wednesday. Fauci had committed to testify late last year along with agreeing to two days of interviews, which took place in January.

The closed-door interviews focused on gain-of-function research, alleged federal records violations, conflicts of interest and confusions around pandemic guidance. Fauci was joined by two attorneys during the entire course of the interviews.

“During Dr. Fauci’s closed-door interview in January, he testified to serious systemic failures in our public health system that deserve further investigation, including his testimony that the ‘6 feet apart’ social distancing guidance — which was used to shut down small businesses and schools across America — ‘sort of just appeared,'” Wenstrup said in a statement.

“As the face of America’s public health response to the COVID-19 pandemic, these statements raise serious questions that warrant public scrutiny.”

All that is known regarding what was discussed during the interviews is what members have relayed to reporters. Lawmakers said the longtime government scientists provided a great deal of clarification during the meeting, though Wenstrup said Fauci claimed he did not recall details about the pandemic numerous times during the interview.

Wenstrup said a transcript of the meeting would be released prior to the June hearing.